this was found scribbled on an old receipt in my bag (note: this is not a formed haiku, but rather a short poetic thought i had)
being ready helps me
apply the philosophical
to the practical.
the figurative head
to the literal knee.
i think this was a discovery i made during the spring time. the head-body connection was increasingly solidified for me. i had previously thought them to be separate forces working toward the same means. i now think of them as connected forces that make me whole. i just don't want to separate the body from the mind because my existence relies on both.
Last Sunday, I performed They Taste Good to Her at Triskelion Arts Center. I would like to extend thanks to those who supported me by being in the audience, wishing me a good performance, and those who helped me by donating time, rehearsal space, advice and good vibes.
One of the really great things about the WAXworks series is the audience feedback. Each person sitting in the audience is provided with blank note cards and can offer each performance piece constructive and critical feedback. Naturally, not all of it ends up being constructive but I received a lot of good notes which I will share here.
Here are some anonymous notes I received about my piece:
I really liked the beginning when you were setting up the apples. Maybe it went on for a bit too long? But the part with the music was great.
Movement beautiful. A bit repetitive. Loved the whole look of scene, costumes, yellow apples, etc.
Not sure why, but found this piece totally engaging. Excellent costume. However, I must say you should consider acting. You would be great.
You are a compelling and sneakily seductive yet childlike performer--- very special. Keep the inquiry about movement and imagination in the moving body--- don't be afraid to leave questions unanswered or to leave the piece unstructured. I was distracted from your movement by the theatrical elements-- props/music, felt superfluous at this stage. But was so compelled by movement.
Makes me think of how we make our own problems.
* * * = 3 out of 5 stars
I love your use of the spine-- it was sloped on top and tucked under. Beautiful. I would like to see the moments on the floor held longer :)
Beautiful and accomplished mover.
W T * ?
Your dance was darling.
If it's about OCD then it's okay... Um... nope, didn't really enjoy it. I desperately tried to. Didn't seem like a dance performance.
Excellent use of props (apples).
These comments reflect I wide range of audience response, and it is very interesting to see how many different versions of my dance were seen just within the span of one performance.
Happy IndePendence Day weekend from all of us here at the independent movershaker (meaning me).
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